We use so-called "cookies" to get good functionality in our online store. We do not collect any personal information about you as a visitor. Instead, cookies are used to keep track of your shopping cart and to remember the choices and settings you made in the store. If cookies are disabled, the page will not work as it should and you will not be able to shop.
How do I activate cookies?
Look under "settings" or "security settings" in your browser. It looks different in different systems.
This website follows the guidelines and standards established by the W3C. HTML 5 is used to structure the content and CSS is used to manage appearance. We use Javascript for various functions that make shopping easier. Unfortunately, not all browsers fully comply with the standard, which is why the website may look different in some older browsers. The website is best viewed in a modern browser that supports CSS and Javascript, for example later version of,
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
Screen resolution
The website is built with "responsive design" and works well regardless of device.
This online store is created by Wikinggruppen. Wikinggruppen is a complete web agency located in Hudiksvall and one of Sweden's largest suppliers of e-commerce systems. You are welcome to contact Wikinggruppen with any questions or comments about this website.
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